Positive Customer Service Phrases that Support Agents should Use


In the customer service industry, the language that support agents use can have a significant impact on the customer experience. Positive language can help to build trust, establish rapport, and create a positive atmosphere, while negative language can have the opposite effect.

Below are the top positive customer service phrases that support agents can use during the customer experience.

Positive Customer Service Phrases to Improve Customer Experience

“Thank you for reaching out, how may I assist you?”

This phrase is a great opening line for support agents. It’s polite and professional and invites the customer to share their needs. It also shows that the agent is ready and willing to help.

“I understand how frustrating that must be for you.”

Understanding your customers while expressing empathy is one of the most crucial components of a delightful CX. This phrase acknowledges their feelings and lets them know that the agent cares about their experience.

“Let me help you with that.”

This phrase demonstrates a proactive approach to problem-solving. It shows the customer that the agent is committed to finding a solution to their issue.

“Thank you for bringing this to our attention.”

This phrase shows appreciation for the customer’s feedback. It also lets them know that their concerns are being taken seriously and that the agent is committed to improving their experience.

“I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.”

This phrase shows accountability and acknowledges the customer’s frustration. It also lets them know that the agent is committed to making things right.

“Is there anything else I can assist you with?”

This phrase shows a willingness to help the customer with any other needs they may have. It also provides an opportunity for the agent to offer additional assistance or resources.

“I appreciate your patience while I work on this for you.”

This phrase shows gratitude for the customer’s understanding and patience. It also lets them know that the agent is actively working to resolve their issue.

“I’m glad I could help you today.”

This phrase shows a positive and friendly tone. It lets the customer know that their issue has been resolved and that the agent is happy to have been able to assist them.

“Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.”

This phrase shows a commitment to ongoing support. It lets the customer know that the agent is available to assist them if they need additional help.


Positive language is an essential component of the customer service experience. Using phrases such as “How may I assist you?”, “I understand how frustrating that must be for you,” and “I’m glad I could help you today,” can help to create a positive and supportive atmosphere.

By using positive customer phrases, support agents can build trust, establish rapport, and create a memorable and enjoyable experience for your customers.


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