Why Omni-channel Support Is Key to Delivering the Best Customer Service

As consumers, we have access to multiple channels and platforms that help us connect with the world without any hassle, in a matter of seconds. Businesses, on the other hand, are expected to keep up with this global connection in order to ensure their customers are satisfied and are well served. How can businesses achieve this?

The answer is quite simple. Having an efficient omni-channel support system in place allows businesses to interact, build customer base and resolve customer issues without having to struggle between switching applications.

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What is omni-channel support?

With respect to customer communication in customer service, an omni-channel support system unifies all interactions with a particular customer – across all available communication channels – in one place. This system is increasingly becoming a necessary tool for businesses as customers are reaching out to business through more than just one platform. Some sources included in an omni-channel system are web chat, email, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and so on.

Omni-channel approach also includes collection of customer data from various touch points across multiple online platforms. This helps in centralization of data, which in turn, helps support agents refer to information required to resolve tickets or customer issues. Having an omni-channel system helps businesses increase conversion rates of customer service conversations.

How is Omni-channel support helpful when it comes to customer service?

    • Increased support agents’ productivity: Kapture’s omni-channel platform allows your support agents communicate with multiple customers at the same time. This is achieved by providing them with all the necessary customer-related data needed to interact and resolve the issue. Agents can also take advantage of the “suggested responses” that are provided to them, which helps them attend to customers without having to spend a lot of time.
    • Reduced customer wait time: As support agents have access to all related data and can respond to customers reaching out on any communication channel, they can respond to customers without them having to wait for too long. Agents can also provide quick replies by taking advantage of “suggested responses” that are provided to them. Reduced customer wait time translates to happy customers, and this often paves way for higher customer retention.
    • Ensure all queries are answered: When agents are expected to manually switch applications and attend to queries separately, there are high chances of them missing out on a few interactions. Thanks to omni-channel support, you can be assured that no channel is left behind and no customer is unanswered. Having said this, businesses also have a choice to prioritize certain channel or tickets based on any criteria unique to their business.
    • Data-driven solutions: Automatic data capture, as a part of an omni-channel support, is accurate and easy to access. A well-integrated platform that’s connected to the back-end systems ensure that the data captured is up-to-date and reliable.

These are just some of the important benefits of omni-channel support in the context of customer service. In addition to this, the system also is of great help with respect to sales operations.

Want to know more about omni-channel platform for customer support? Feel free to reach out to Kapture and speak to our experts.



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