Top Unique Lead Generation Strategies That Are Proven to Work In 2018


As a business, it seems like you are in a constant cutthroat battle between your content marketing strategy, and capturing the attention of your customers.

Which seems ridiculous when you think about it. After all, there are thousands, if not millions of consumers out there who have a genuine desire to invest in the exact product your company offers.

Or spend good money on the service you provide to help them solve a major problem they are facing.

So, what’s the big deal?

Believe it or not, B2B organizations have almost no clue what they are doing when it comes to marketing and lead generation.

The scary truth…

A study was recently done involving a batch of marketers, which revealed almost 65-percent of them had no clue what they are doing. Talk about a gung-ho strategy, right?

But don’t worry, the entire point of this article is to help ensure you are not in the same position. We will be going through five intuitive, actionable strategies that you can implement today to generate interest, create desire, and lead customers down your slippery sales funnel.

Everyone Loves Free Stuff (It’s A Simple Truth)


Take a second to put yourself in your target customers shoes. The entire reason they are coming to your business is to solve a problem that they are facing. Regardless of how big or small.

But, why would they choose you over a company that has already built its authority in the market? Besides an innovative invite to join the party, of course!

That’s where creating valuable content, and leaving it up for grabs becomes one of the most effective strategies for brand-trust and lead generation. Of course, if you make it an email opt-in, it creates a nice little drip funnel for future sales.

When providing free resources, there are a few things you want to ensure:

● Is the resource easy to understand/digestible?
● Does it adequately represent the quality of your brand product/service?
● Does it partially solve a problem that a potential customer may be facing?

Webinars Are Rapidly Becoming the New “In-Thing”


Back in the good old days, newspapers and the telly were probably the most powerful tools businesses had available for marketing purposes. In the digital era, there are a plethora of free tools, organizational software, lead generation apps, and the list goes on.

But it seems despite the numerous methods used to generate leads, webinars are becoming one of the most successful methods of generating interest and creating the desire for service on offer.

Webinars work almost identical in a manner to that of a free resource. Except, this time it is a live video instead of a guide, e-book or full-blown course.

The purpose of the webinar is to actually help solve a problem you know your target audience are facing. And then promise to teach them how to solve their own problems moving forward with the service you offer.

As the saying goes, “You can give a man a fish, and feed him for one day. Or you can teach a man to fish, and feed him for the rest of his life.”

For a complete guide to hosting your very own webinar, and using it to drive consumers down your sales funnel – we have a nifty article just for you.

Social Media Is Still Your Businesses Number One Asset


Whether your vlogging on Facebook, pinning on Pinterest or posting on Instagram, social media will always be king when it comes to lead generation.

How do I know this?

Using Instagram alone, I managed to generate almost 2000 emails for my weekly newsletter.

The kicker,

That was in less than a year. (And only one platform).

When building up your social media presence, you need to keep your brand in mind. What do you want customers to see when they look at your social media pages?

This also gives you another opportunity to develop your brand trust. You can use these platforms to provide short snippets of value, which all form part of the bigger picture (your final product or service on offer).

For a comprehensive guide to building up a social media following, and leveraging it to get sales, check out this article.

New SMB’S Should Be Falling in Love with Google PPC

Google AdWords is basically a free crutch for your marketing campaign, with an option to pay for add-on features.

If you are just starting out, and struggling to get the pipeline flowing, this is a great way to get started. Through integrating PPC into your AdWords, not only can you target specific areas, demographics, and audiences.

But …

You can also control your budget, evaluate your CPC, and choose the best keywords that your ideal consumers are typing up when looking for solutions to problems that they are facing.

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