8 Proven Strategies to Ensuring Happy Customer Relationship In An Enterprise Environment

happy customer relationships

Quantity equals quality. This formula used to work for companies in the past. Today, the quality of a customer relationship is valued much higher than the number of potential customers.

Of course, no one is saying that the customer quantity doesn’t matter anymore. However, the demands for a happy relationship have grown and businesses are working hard to adapt.
The below strategies can help you ensure a happy customer relationship to enjoy quality and quantity simultaneously.

1.Retaining Is Gold, Attracting Is Silver

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. The old proverb works for customer relationships in an excellent manner. If you already have customers, you need to convince them how much more important they are to you than to your competitors.

Regardless of the industry, attracting a customer is more expensive than retaining one. That’s why working on retention is not just profitable, it’s much more cost-efficient.

Nurturing your existing customers is highly important not just because they are likely to buy again, but because they are part of your marketing campaign. Word-of-the-mouth approach is still one of the most effective marketing tactics.

Businesses lose customers on a regular basis by failing to exercise proper retention practices. Bain & Company study showed that 60-80% of customers who are initially satisfied with the company don’t go back to do business with them again.

Make sure to:

  • Supply customers with proper information
  • Show your gratitude
  • Offer special deals to existing customers
  • Offer complementary products

2. Use Social Media

The majority of your customers are online. So be online with them. Follow their social media accounts, learn what they are interested in, chat with them whenever possible. Even though this may seem to be a time-consuming endeavour, the profits you’ll be getting from these actions are impressive.

It’s highly important to make the customers feel special and needed. Making yourself available to them will ensure that they turn to you the next time they need the services. According to enterprise SEO experts from Miromind, keeping up with your clients on social media makes it easy for them to use the word-of-the-mouth strategy.

3.Make Complaining Easy

The majority of customers who aren’t satisfied with your services go away. They’ll never tell you what went wrong, but they will tell others. The only way to prevent the bad reputation from spreading is giving your clients a clear opportunity to complain. Always follow up with them to offer a feedback form.

Once you get the negative feedback, you have a chance to rectify a situation by offering bonuses. This way you can prevent the customers from talking about you in a negative manner. Many customers who see genuine concern and impressive efforts to rectify the situation stay with the company.

4.Measure The Loyalty

Even if you think your customers love you, you still have to have the figures to back it up. Measuring the customer satisfaction score can help you understand where you are standing when it comes to customer loyalty.

It doesn’t mean you have to keep spamming your clients with questions about how much they like you. However, occasional surveys are a must-have. You may even have to offer an incentive for the clients to fill out the survey. Don’t worry, it’s worth the effort.

5.Catch The Feedback Early

Paying close attention to the client’s reaction can help you catch the feedback early enough to make changes in the shopping process. Post-interaction surveys are an excellent way to act upon a problem before it leads to a negative experience.

It’s important to make sure that the surveys are easy to take. Try not to exceed three questions in the quick follow-up questionnaires. React to the problems immediately.

6.Add A Personal Touch

Personalization is becoming an integral part of the company-client relationship. While your marketing team is working on personalizing offers, you can make an unexpected move such as a hand-written Christmas card or a small birthday gift. Anything that can make a client smile is a huge step to retention.

7.Be Clear About What You Do

Transparency is the key to building trust. Never promise your customers something you can’t do. Be ready to admit your mistakes if any. Interacting with your clients as if they are a part of the family can help you build an emotional connection, which is vital for the retention efforts.

8.Never Stop Caring

Even if you’ve done something to retain a customer, it doesn’t mean you can relax. You have to make the clients feel special on a regular basis or you will lose them. Regardless of the industry, the competition is always substantial.

As soon as you show a weakness (i.e. stop caring), another company will act upon your mistake. It may seem to be a hard job, but the results make it worthwhile.


Building a happy customer relationship in an enterprise environment requires a formidable amount of time and effort. However, without it, the road to success is much harder. You can take advantage of the above strategies today to start reaping the benefits tomorrow.

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