How Marketing Automation Platform generates Higher Traffic and ROI?

Marketing Automation ROI

In their basic instinct, small businesses seek immediate ROI. Unlike a global brand, an SMB can’t afford a long gestation period before an investment will show its impact on the balance sheet.

For this reason, you may be doubtful about the right time to invest in a marketing automation solution. As the name indicates, you may be required to automate your marketing process only if you have enough incoming traffic.

But marketing automation isn’t just a process management platform. An integrated marketing platform gives better direction and flexibility at handling your marketing operations, thereby helping you to lay the foundations to drive higher ROI.

Well, let us explain.

Marketing Automation helps you drive Visitors

Let’s start with the basic question.

Do you need to have sizable incoming traffic before you invest in Marketing Automation? Or do you need to have sizable incoming traffic before implementing marketing automation?

In the first glance, this could appear to be an abstract question, similar to the chicken-or-egg predicament.

But it simply can’t be put likewise.

The relation between marketing automation and its concerned results could be measured and quantified. With the right reporting tools, you can find a definite answer once you understand the process.

In other words, you can measure it once you have the aptitude.

In this article, we will examine the different facets of your marketing operations that benefit from integrated marketing automation. As we are discussing practical steps, you could directly implement these steps from the early stages of your marketing process.

Marketing automation helps you build Search Traffic

In the olden days, you were able to acquire enough traffic by creating website content coupled with a dozen of artificial links. But the circumstances have changed vastly in recent years.

Today the search engine traffic generates website traffic based on customer-centric parameters – Website Trust, Visitor understanding, Popularity, and Authority.

ROI for Marketing Automation

In these three facets, marketing automation can directly help you to manage and improve three major factors.

Marketing automation guides you towards improved customer understanding, popularity, and authority. To be precise, these mainly depend on understanding your user intent and requirement.

The marketing automation system stores each of visitor request and order. You can also view and analyze your campaign performance on a single dashboard.

This information lets you tailor and customize your content creation to suit your core audience. You could also grow your visitors to be more engaged and interested in your core product offerings.

Speed Dictates your Social Marketing Success

According to research, small businesses acquire almost 40% of their total website visitors through social channels – facebook, twitter, search etc. Almost 93 % of small businesses consider social media to be important for the business.

Marketing Automation Benefits

As a result, most marketers are spending a significant portion of their time and energy on different social channels.

The social channels could give you a much-required head start in the early stages of your business. For this, you need to focus on the right social channels.

And, here’s how you do it.

Once you start your social media operations, you will quickly learn that pace and user aptitude are the chief currency to gain social traction.

But it also has the most impatient users expecting a quick fix to their solutions. According to research, when customers air a complaint through twitter they will wait only 1 hour before registering a negative experience on the same forum.

In this case, your business should be able to receive and respond to customer queries and create a positive foundation.

A marketing automation platform can streamline all customer queries to a single dashboard. It helps you avoid your customer queries going accidentally overseen or mismanaged.

By this means, the marketing automation platform lets your business receive and manage customer response with best of impact.

For this, you need to provide relevant content as well as provide a high-quality response.

Create your PR and Content Strategy

If you don’t know, the attention span of an average reader is around 8 seconds.

For most marketers, it’s close to impossible to maintain visitor attention for around five minutes. This also happens to be the minimum time required to make a purchase.

Marketing Automation processes

This means a large shift in the creation and execution of your PR-Content Strategy.

This means that you simply can’t afford the time to beat around the bush. If you are not providing something valuable within a short time, even a well-conceived PR piece or content strategy is doomed to accumulate digital dust.

The marketing automation system can store and retrieve the chief characteristics of your website users. This lets you come-up with interesting ideas that appeal to your core audience.

Growth through E-mail Marketing

Among all the marketing options, e-mail marketing still continues to be one of the easiest and direct ways to reach your customers.

Most businesses utilize emails as their preferred medium to inform the prospects about the latest product offerings and USPs.

Email Marketing Automation

But simultaneously, it’s harder to get the users to open and respond to your emails. Almost a quarter business-marketing emails fail to reach the inbox and gets graded as spam.

This makes it hard to conceive a well-tailored email with high response rates.

Marketing automation helps to segment the users into critical groups. As you are sending messages to a highly selective group, it also increases your e-mail open rates and responses.

By principle, this approach can selectively improve your marketing performance.

This helps you run independent marketing campaigns by selecting a custom list on each attempt.

Email Marketing Campaigns

By classifying and segmenting users into different groups, you can initiate new campaigns in short notice. It also enables you to combine and segment different user groups based on the right user parameters.


If you are a beginner, achieving regular incoming website traffic may appear to be an insurmountable task. The marketing automation can dramatically increase your chances of getting the initial traction. Furthermore, it also helps you to guide and increase the current incoming website users.

If you are looking to learn more about marketing automation and its impact on early-stage businesses.



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