Insight into the Logistics Industry: CRM Software for Transporters

Insight into the Logistics Industry CRM for Transportation Companies
Insight into the Logistics Industry CRM for Transportation Companies
Insight into the Logistics Industry CRM for Transportation Companies
Insight into the Logistics Industry CRM for Transportation Companies

Every day, the logistics industry deals with tasks of acquiring resources and managing transit, distribution, shipping packages, relationships with customers/vendors as well as deciphering huge chunks of logistical data.

In a competitive and process-driven work environment, logistics companies can push their business to new limits by incorporating innovative technologies into their operations. 

Doing so would open up tremendous opportunities to improve performance and offer reliable and trustworthy customer service which is what ultimately distinguishes established logistics organizations from their less successful peers.


Here in this blog, learn about how a logistics CRM can set apart your logistics business through superior customer service, and streamlined business operations.

What is CRM in logistics?

CRM in logistics is the application of technology toward the acquisition, enhancement, and maintenance of customer relationships.


Importance of CRM for Logistics Companies

In the age of cutting-edge technology aiding businesses to improve customer service and process flows, logistics and transportation companies too can identify countless opportunities to deliver their best service. In this circumstance, logistics CRM software can help you gain a better understanding of your overall business performance while also increasing the efficiency and quality of customer interactions. Here’s how.

1. Customer Expectations

Customers’ requests must be met faster be it delivery of products or replies to inquiries. Therefore, you must put your best foot forward to maintain effective communication with your customers to provide updates on the status of their shipment or respond to their questions.

You can deliver quick and consistent customer support round the clock via AI chatbots as well as other options like live chat or self-help web portals. 

A CRM can bring all customer inquiries from several channels into one platform so that you can provide speedier responses without having the need to switch screens.

All these efficient solutions can ease the burden on your customer support team while meeting customer expectations.

2. Relationship with Customers

You can nurture your customer relationships by storing end-to-end information about customers that is gathered from previous interactions by the CRM. Send personalized emails to your customers, and engage them in ways that strengthen your bond and notch up the loyalty factor using this information.

3. Use of Advanced Technologies

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is the right choice for the logistics industry to boost overall efficiency. Such front-line technology gives businesses strategic options for optimizing logistics processes and gaining a competitive advantage.

4. Order Management

Order Management solutions help to manage the process of capturing, tracking, and fulfilling customer orders. Kapture, a customer service automation platform offers order management solutions that help in 

  1. Streamlining order fulfillment 
  2. Invoice generation
  3. Setting up automatic delivery notifications
  4. Inventory Management 
  5. Generate order reports

Image: Manage your orders

5. Automation

Automation using technology such as logistic CRM software improves the efficiency of a whole lot of logistical processes.

  • Invoice generation, contract agreements, and a slew of other activities can be automated and made paperless. 
  • Create quotes using a customized pricing approach that has rate cuts and discount limits built-in.
  • Set up contract renewal alerts.
  • Schedule timely invoice creation and email to customers according to the billing cycle.
  • Automate the inventory management process to manage your stock. Use reporting and forecasting capabilities to reduce wastage.
  • Automation of follow-up tracking, shipment and payment alerts, report generation, and innumerable other tasks and workflows helps you increase business productivity immensely.


Benefits of Logistics CRM Software

Managing logistics and transportation with a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) offers the following benefits. 

1. Improves Customer Experience

Customer experience matters in logistics, just as it is in any other business. Customers are a valuable asset that must be cared for to operate effectively and successfully. 

You can improve the customer experience with the vast variety of automation offered by a logistics CRM in managing customer relationships. Here’s how. 

  • Send automated personalized emails to customers after a predefined number of days since their previous engagement. If you deliver personalized email content together with relevant offers or discounts, customers will feel more motivated to stay loyal to your business. Set up customizable emails to be sent to customers in response to completion of certain events such as making an inquiry, placing/canceling an order, delivery completion, and so on.
  • Respond to customer inquiries and pain points on time, regardless of the channel through which they reach you. This is made possible by CRM’s omnichannel functionality, which combines customer inquiries from several channels such as phone, email, social media, and chats into a single window.

2. Convenient Data Management

CRM aids in the management of both organizational and contact information in a single database. 

Storing all data, such as contact information, order histories, previous interactions, and cargo status, in a centralized database makes it easier to obtain information and get insights to make better decisions. CRMs can segment customer data depending on demographics, allowing you to build targeted marketing initiatives using this data. 

Image: Classify Customers

3. Automated Tracking

Customer communication, shipment details, service requests, inventory, and due payments, are automatically tracked and stored in the CRM database. Since the CRM maintains all data in one location, it can aid in generating comprehensive reports.

4. Integration

With different third-party tools, such as ERP, social media, and email services you end up having siloed data, that may be inaccessible to some teams. This often results in incomplete and duplicate customer profiles, which makes it difficult for you to track the customer journey.

When you employ a CRM solution as a central hub by seamlessly integrating with these platforms, you will have centralized data that is consistent and accessible to everybody. 

Kapture’s CRM software perfectly integrates with third-party software and applications including ERP, Cloud Telephony, Websites, and IVR, allowing you to consolidate all functionalities into a single platform.

5. Advanced Analytics & Reporting

Being in the logistics business, you must have had first-hand experience in dealing with massive volumes of data manually. A logistics CRM can be a real savior here. Kapture’s intuitive reporting and analytics dashboard allow you to create customized or pre-built reports in a variety of formats. You can even schedule the reports to be emailed to you at predetermined intervals.

6. Organized Team Collaboration

Teams can collaborate better when everyone in the organization has access to the same data thanks to the cloud-based central database. The CRM’s single dashboard makes every process visible to all team members and improves workflow visibility. This will improve the team’s organizational efficiency by removing ambiguity during task creation and execution and guaranteeing that no actions are duplicated.

7. Increased Cost Efficiency

The automation of your manual processes helps you avoid manual data entry errors, saving you money on the cost of an employee’s error. Also hiring additional support staff to handle each of the customer communication channels contributes to added expenses.  When your customers contact you through different channels, CRM can help you avoid additional staff requirements to manage these channels by letting you have all customer requests in one place.  CRM lets you automatically route service requests from a specific communication channel to a dedicated team.



Kapture, a customer service automation platform can improve business in the logistics and transport industry with robust functionalities such as:

  • Pre-built email templates
  • Workflow automation
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Live chat, AI chatbot, and social media integration
  • Call center management
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Mobile CRM
  • 3rd party integration
  • Invoice and Quote management

Kapture’s omnichannel SaaS-based solution can be customized to meet your specific business demands while also guaranteeing security compliance. 

Finally, if you want to equip your business with the benefits of cloud technology, and artificial intelligence, sign-up for a 30-day free trial to learn about all the unique features that we offer.


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