5 Things You Should Know About Lead Management Before Capturing Leads

Lead Management

Are you catching Leads like a Grizzly bear? We are all familiar with the image of grizzly’s fishing activity, aren’t we?

A Grizzly stands in the middle of a narrow upstream with an open mouth to catch the salmon, which happens to make an unfortunate leap.

Now, let’s put some context to this example.

It’s genuinely true that most businesses act like grizzly during their capture of leads or future business prospects. By that, I mean that most businesses are waiting for the prospects to pay them a visit, rather than actively seeking them-out.

Of course, this results in low conversion and acquiring unrelated prospects that leads to dissatisfaction on both sides.

Why your Lead Capturing remains Inefficient?

Most enterprises are inefficient at capturing their leads. They don’t have a clear strategy or insights going into their marketing operations.

Without clear insights, most enterprises remain inefficient at maximizing the value and number of captured leads. They often depend on intuitive approach or guess work rather than making active decisions based on solid business insights.

Often, the result is partially cooked marketing strategy that fails to take the current circumstances into account. As a result, it delivers less than optimal results.

Often, the result is capturing low quality leads that fail to convert.

In retrospective, the role of your marketing exercise is to generate high quality leads that could be directly taken-upon by the sales department. By making your campaigns more focused, you can also run more focused campaigns.

An ability to generate high quality leads also brings down your customer acquisition Cost (CPC). This in-turn improves your overall lead processing quality.

1.Focusing on Wrong Platforms

One of the prime challenges of a marketer is gaining maximum benefit for every activity that is undertaken. It’s said that half of the expenditure is spent on ineffective channels or strategies.

By running multiple campaigns, a marketer can easily get confused and end-up investing on the wrong lead sources.

In-order to counter this, you need to tag on individual campaigns on particular marketing channels. This maximizes your lead count and leads to lesser spending.

2.Marketing Channels aren’t connected

Some marketers have the tendency to blindly focus on a single or a group of marketing channels. For example, a search marketer may be only interested in SEO and ad-sense campaigns.

But, often the successful campaign covers a number of marketing channels under the campaign umbrella. This includes blogs, content marketing, PPC ads etc…

Having to balance your different marketing channels ensure that you are leveraging maximum returns.

3.Prospects aren’t reached through multiple touch points

As per the basic rule of advertising, each prospect has to be reached seven times before actual conversion. Unless, you can run a cost-intensive Television or paper ads, this recurring intersection of customer remains largely difficult.

An easy way to resolve this challenge is to reach prospects through multiple connected touch points. For this, you need to focus on collecting individual prospect’s telephone, E-mail or any other contact details. This data could be used to run systematic long term customer contact campaign.

4.Don’t have the right Messages

Whether the channel is e-mail marketing or landing page, its ultimate success depends on spreading the right message. By having a vague or unfulfilling message, your visitor can close the window or hit the backspace.

Although, you can intuitively craft a unique marketing message, the easiest and direct way is to be open to prospect suggestion.

Kapture CRM lets you direct, store and retrieve all customer requests and pings. This helps you build an actual database of customer requirements.
A CRM platform helps you build an actual database of customer requirements. This helps you craft a message that has maximum returns.

You can easily understand and leverage market fluctuations and changing customer interests.

5.Don’t have In-depth or Accurate Reports

Most businesses tend to comply and be satisfied with traffic or incoming lead count reports obtained through free tools such as Google Analytics. For the rest, one takes free form assumptions, such as more traffic means more leads, more visitors on a particular page means higher user interest etc.

This fails to incorporate leads acquired through direct advertising or physical contact. Without a systematic way of understanding user intent, your lead acquisition will get limited to tracking leads to their sources.


Unless you are efficient at capturing leads, you could end-up attaching the wrong level of stress on collected leads. This will only make way for more bad decisions. By consciously avoiding these mistakes, you could ensure the much needed efficiency in capturing your leads.

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