Don’t Break Up with Your Customers, Use a Multi-channel Helpdesk Support Software

Helpdesk Support Software

Why should companies use a Multichannel Helpdesk System?

A survey by Microsoft recently saw that “ 72% of customers expect support agents to know who they are and what their purchase history with the company was”.

A helpdesk ticketing system can be used to store the entirety of your interactions with your customers from the time they first contacted you – up until your most recent interactions.

What is the importance of Helpdesk Support Software?

According to research by American Express – “A third of consumers would switch to competitor products after a single case of bad customer service”.

A Help desk ticketing system connects your support agent to multiple channels including phone calls, emails, sms’s and chats via a single dashboard.

This means that no matter where a ticket is generated from– it will arrive into the Omnichannel inbox. Agents can then respond to and resolve these tickets from within the CRM.

By having instant access to customer interaction history, a helpdesk software creates the wow factor in a customer’s experience with you

How Can A Helpdesk Support Software benefit your business?

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Better Customer Retention

Ameyo found that almost “67% of customer churn is preventable if the support agent sorts out the customer’s problem in the first call”.

With the Omnichannel help desk software – important tickets are auto-tagged as high, medium and low priority tickets. Agents can then prioritize tickets based on urgency – thus contributing to the companies lifetime customer value.

Quicker Ticket Resolution

The customer 360-degree tab makes it easy for the agent to review ticket details and respond to it instantly. They can also refer to a knowledge Base with the software. This base has Faqs and articles on the frequently raised issues by customers. Agents can refer to these workflows and guide customers through their problem.

Better Agent Productivity

The software offers reports on individual agent productivity, tickets pending vs those closed, calls made vs those dropped and much more. One can even listen on in on live calls to evaluate the quality of support being provided.

Self Service Portals

“70% of customers would rather get their answers from a company’s website rather than phone calls or emails”. (Forrester)

The software can be used to create automated chat templates that use scripted answers to frequently asked questions. This saves manpower and ensures quicker ticket resolution.


While closing a sale is a great sign of progress, customer retention rates are key to maximizing your returns in the long run. The ideal way to ensure that your customers don’t ditch your services is to offer them great customer support. Since the helpdesk support software is a cloud-based solution, it can be up and running in no time. There are no servers or heavy equipment needed. All you need is a healthy net connection and your team is good to go.

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