Detailed Order History Generated the Minute Purchases Are Made – What’s New at Kapture

Keeping track of order history has never been easier. Kapture’s newest offering turns every interaction that customers have with your business into a detailed report within the order history tab. Everything from purchase details, to emails sent to payment confirmations, get automatically recorded and turned into a tabular column under the order history tab.

Track of Order History

The flow begins the minute the prospect adds your product into the website cart.

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The CRM collects data on

1.  The Deal Amount

2. Coupon Codes Use

3. The SKU of the product purchased

With the help of an API, this data is then automatically pulled into the CRM as it collects into the history tab.

Once an order is placed an automated email confirming the purchase is sent to the customer.

API Data History

This action creates a new column in the tab which details information on;

1. Sender email address

2. Receiver email address

3. A link to any attachments sent in the email

Once the payment is received another column is created which details information on;

1. Account holder details

2. Customer credit card details

3. Account holder information

4. Transaction data

5. Amount Received

Sender email address

To confirm receipt of payment another email is sent out to the customer with a payment invoice.

This creates another column in the order history tab which details data on;

1. Sender address

2. Receiver email address

3. A link to the invoice pdf

The order history tab is divided into four columns. You can easily get a segmented view of orders placed. Everything from creation date to lead action are neatly organized in a single tab.


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