Internal Ticketing System : build productive, efficient teams

Smart routing and assignment, intelligent ticket prioritization, knowledge base, AI chatbots – Kapture has what you need to support your employees, address their requests and queries, and provide them with instant, effective resolutions.

Internal ticketing system

Built For Your Enterprise

Empower Your Teams with an Intuitive Internal Ticketing System

internal ticketing system

Effortless Organization & Tracking

Forget scrambling through numerous email threads or chasing down updates. Kapture’s internal ticketing system centralizes all requests and issues, allowing for easy tracking and management.

internal ticketing system

Increased Visibility & Accountability

Tickets get auto-assigned to specific individuals or teams, fostering a sense of ownership. Offers a clear view of the workload and the status of requests to ensure essential tasks are completed without delay.

internal ticketing system

Reclaim Productivity & Reduce Workload

Create a repository of solutions to frequent issues from past tickets – enable employees to resolve issues independently and reclaim productivity while reducing workload on the support team.

Smart Ticket Routing and Assigning

Ensure tickets reach the right hands every time

Build productive and efficient teams with streamlined processes, ensuring that tickets are routed to the right teams or individuals and issues are resolved at first contact. 

  • Round Robin Ticket Routing: Route tickets to the most appropriate teams or individuals based on their workload and any other custom conditions defined by you. With minimal oversight, leave no customer query behind.
  • Smart Ticket Assignment: Dynamically assign tickets based on skills, experience, and more. Utilizing real-time assessment and adaptive learning, Kapture constantly refines the routing process, seamlessly escalating high-priority tickets to experts.
internal ticketing system
internal ticketing system

Tag and Prioritize Tickets

Automate ticket tagging and prioritization

Ticket tagging helps categorize and organize tickets efficiently, for better issue management and enhancing searchability within your ticketing system.

  • Smart Ticket Tagging: Assign relevant labels to tickets – enabling quick and easy categorization based on factors such as issue type, department, priority, or project. 
  • Filter and Search: Identify specific tickets based on tags and understand trends, common issues, and track performance metrics related to specific tags.
  • Ticket Prioritization: Prioritize tickets automatically based on urgency, impact, and other customizable parameters – so critical issues are addressed promptly and minimizing downtime.

AI Chatbots

Give your employees the support they need, when they need it

Support your employees around the clock and provide instant query resolution with AI Chatbots.

  • Knowledge Base Chatbot: Fuel a powerful question-answering system for your employees by integrating our chatbot to a knowledge base or uploading documents and submitting weblinks. 
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Kapture’s AI chatbots uses advanced NLP algorithms to understand and interpret employee queries accurately. By analyzing the context and intent behind each message, your employees receive relevant and personalized responses.
  • Machine Learning for Continuous Improvement: Kapture’s AI Chatbots continuously learn from interactions and feedback to improve their accuracy and effectiveness over time. Let chatbots identify patterns, anticipate future needs, and proactively offer assistance.
internal ticketing system
internal ticketing system

Knowledge Base & Community Forum

Empower your employees to help themselves

Encourage self-sufficiency and collaboration among teams while reducing their reliance on internal support teams.

  • Comprehensive Knowledge Base: A centralized repository of information, containing FAQs, articles, troubleshooting guides, tutorial videos, and more. With intuitive search functionality and categorized content, employees can quickly locate the information they need.
  • Interactive Community Forums: Engage with your peers and tap into the collective knowledge of your organization through our community forums. Employees can post questions, share insights, and seek advice from colleagues across departments and locations.

Reports & Analytics

Make the right decisions with insightful data

Get actionable insights derived from in-depth reports and analytics and understand internal team queries better to drive continuous improvement.

  • Tag-wise Reports: Gain visibility into the different types of internal issues – identify common trends and recurring issues across various categories, and pinpoint root causes and take proactive measures. 
  • IT Team Reports: Track metrics such as time spent on issue resolution, number of tickets resolved, login/logout times, and more. Assess team performance, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted training or recognition.
  • Department-wise Reports: Identify departments with the highest volume of requests and queries, enabling you to allocate resources more effectively and address specific departmental needs.
internal ticketing system


Connect Seamlessly to the Tools Your Teams Use Daily

Data is useless when it’s hard to access. Kapture integrates with the tools your teams use daily providing quick and easy access to customer insights. Unified visibility = better CX. Experience the power of 1000+ out-of-the-box Enterprise API integrations to centralize your support operations.

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Internal Ticketing System to effortlessly enhance employee experience

Join the 1000+ Enterprises who transformed their employee experience with Kapture’s Internal ticketing system.